
Earn a degree in 酒店,度假村和旅游管理 at Paul Smith’s College to further your path toward the perfect job or career.

The hospitality management industry has a broad horizon, providing hospitality students the opportunity to pursue interests both in and out of the classroom as they prepare for careers in hospitality.

  • 加入保罗·史密斯的DECA分会,一个国际大学俱乐部的领导人 管理、市场营销、酒店管理 & 金融. Members plan and execute multiple campus-wide traditions and sponsor site visits, 筹款活动, recruitment efforts and trips to the Annual DECA Conference
  • 选修专业以外的课程 by tapping into Paul Smith’s diverse program offerings.  Explore Maple Syrup Production, Dendrology, Mycology, Beer Brewing or Improv Comedy.
  •  体验伟大的户外 by taking advantage of the unsurpassed rugged beauty of the campus. There are endless opportunities for camping, fishing, hiking, canoeing, and other outdoor sports. # smittypix
  • Earn a Creative Minor to Complement your Bachelor’s 学位 如枫木产品 & Production, Sustainable Communities or 环境al Communications.  或者获得精酿啤酒研究 & 管理辅修成为啤酒取样员 萨拉纳克啤酒厂 比如17岁的肖恩·麦凯恩.

We believe that 热情好客 is more than a “type” of business, it’s a “way” of doing business. 因为这种信念影响着宝盈bbin官方登录的教学方式, 培训和准备宝盈bbin官方登录的毕业生, they have long been sought by prestigious properties around the globe. The combination of experiential education and this philosophy provides graduates with marketability and promoteability within the world of 热情好客 as well as transferability across careers and industries. Our hospitality degrees prepare students for the long haul.

  • B.S. 学位.
  • 至少需要122学时.
    • 31个以上的文科和理科学分.
    • 必须修满300/400级课程的43个学分.
  • 需要800小时的行业工作经验.
    • 每个实习地点至少200小时.
    • 这是不含学分的,没有学费.


  • 纽约游艇俱乐部总经理
  • 收入分析师与希尔顿公司-休斯顿,得克萨斯州
  • 餐馆老板——纽约州普莱西德湖
  • 特别事件经理-萨凡纳,GA
  • 丽思卡尔顿酒店饮料经理
  • 私人俱乐部经理——纽约州布法罗
  • 加州阿纳海姆迪士尼乐园副总裁
  • 社交媒体总监-夏威夷毛伊岛
  • 精酿啤酒酿造商——纽约州普莱西德湖
  • 事件导演-城市的驯鹿,ME
  • 会员顾问-新加坡万豪度假
  • 船员-挪威邮轮公司
  • 销售总监 & 市场营销——田纳西州纳什维尔
  • AAA旅游公司的酒店督察
  • 有 字面上的 数百人
课程 & 目标


  • Make rational, logical and creative decisions to confront a variety of challenges.
  • 理解, analyze and synthesize data derived from management information systems to address management challenges in the areas of marketing, 客人服务, 成本控制, 人力资源管理.
  • Convert financial data and operational reports into action plans.
  • Plan and conduct group meetings with agenda, outcome goals and post meeting analysis.
  • Demonstrate the ability to plan, organize and execute a multi-faceted business project.
  • Have the ability to apply several approaches in the supervision, 员工的培训和管理.
  • 理解 the industry’s inherent cultural diversity 和 variety of issues related to managing a multicultural workforce and providing service for an international clientele.
  • 理解 basic accounting practices and be able to apply industry-specific math applications to actual case studies and develop pricing strategies.
  • Utilize management skills for the development, delivery and evaluation of quality 客人服务.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and application of ethical and socially responsible practices.
  • Identify the steps involved in developing a strategic plan and apply management practices necessary to implement and evaluate the success of the plan.
  • Research and develop a fundamental marketing plan and integrate basic marketing principles into management decisions.
  • 运用广告, promotional and direct sales techniques to the marketing of tourism products and special events.
  • Develop and stage high-quality oral presentations to groups, 整合演示软件的使用.
  • Express thoughts and opinions clearly through written and oral communication. 运用积极的倾听技巧.
  • Describe the history and traditions of the hospitality industry, and survey the full range of available career opportunities.
  • 了解当前和新兴的行业趋势.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of guest psychology and professional guest service skills that are required during all phases of the guest cycle.
  • Apply knowledge of all functional areas involved in the delivery of exceptional guest service.
  • Demonstrate the proper usage and care of common kitchen & 餐厅设备.
  • Apply knowledge of basic food preparation as it relates to planning, 调度, 生产管理.
  • 运用适当的卫生知识 & safety procedures for food service and lodging applications.
  • 理解 and model the purpose, value and rewards of hard work.
  • 理解 and have the ability to present an appropriate appearance and decorum in a variety of professional settings ranging from interviews to presentations in the workplace.
  • 表现出自信, initiative 和 ability to function effectively as a member of a work group.
  • Apply academic theories learned in the classroom with real, hands-on learning opportunities within the hospitality industry.



  • 好客期货
  • 酒店业务模拟
  • 酒店、度假村 & 旅游方向
  • 财务决策
  • 酒店会计
  • 财务会计
  • 6个玻璃杯里的世界历史
  • 老年医学
  • 打破性别刻板印象
  • 新媒体工具
  • 市场营销原理
  • 管理学原理
  • 餐厅 & 厨房管理
  • 烘焙零售经验
  • 娱乐 & 酒店市场营销 & 管理
  • 目的地动力学
  • 重大事件 & 节日计划
  • 啤酒行业
  • 住院医师学期
  • 广告 & 促销活动
  • 设施规划 & 环境管理

More program information and a full course list can be found in the 大学目录.

More program information and a full course list can be found in the 大学目录. 有关节目策划表,请 点击这里.

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Paul Smith's receives four Best Colleges distinctions, including the No. 最具创新力学校排名第3位. 继续阅读»